Et annet sted

Et annet sted

"Et annet sted" was published in 2014. The book is a portrayal of experiences of moving to Norway. In this narrative, Xueting Yang draws inspiration from the Chinese poetic tradition and illustrates Norwegians as hedgehogs, among other things.

"Et annet sted" was awarded the Norwegian Ministry of Culture's comic book prize and received a silver medal in the "Most Beautiful Books of the Year" competition.

play 2 small copy 2.jpg
a talk norsk.jpg
true beauty.jpg
flower .jpg
lonely .jpg
name   .jpg
important 2.jpg
parttime job small copy.jpg
cover pic.jpg

Et annet sted

"Et annet sted" was published in 2014. The book is a portrayal of experiences of moving to Norway. In this narrative, Xueting Yang draws inspiration from the Chinese poetic tradition and illustrates Norwegians as hedgehogs, among other things.

"Et annet sted" was awarded the Norwegian Ministry of Culture's comic book prize and received a silver medal in the "Most Beautiful Books of the Year" competition.

Et annet sted
play 2 small copy 2.jpg
a talk norsk.jpg
true beauty.jpg
flower .jpg
lonely .jpg
name   .jpg
important 2.jpg
parttime job small copy.jpg
cover pic.jpg